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Event: The Future of the EU ETS

The Edinburgh University Low Carbon society brings you a panel discussion on the future of the EU ETS. The following speakers will give their views and discuss what lies ahead for emissions trading in Europe:

Ian Duncan MEP - Conservative MEP for Scotland and lead negotiator on reforms to Europe's Emissions Trading System (ETS)

Professor Stuart Haszeldine - SCCS Director and Professor of Carbon Capture & Storage, University of Edinburgh

Dr Annalisa Savaresi - Lecturer and researcher in Environmental Law and with focuses on climate change, biodiversity, forestry, renewable energy and the interplay between environmental and human rights law

Dr Jelte Harnmeijer - Teaching Fellow for the School of Economics with a focus in Carbon Economics at University of Edinburgh

EDIT: Jelte sadly could not make the event and sends his apologies

Free: tickets available here

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